Virginia, United States

Latitude 37.427976
Longitude -78.865683
State/ Province Virginia
Country United States

Place Map


  1. Hackler, Henry
  2. Family of Unibarger, Simon and Gose, Melinda
  3. Spangler, Anna Elizabeth
  4. Hackler, Conrad
  5. Hodge, Elizabeth
  6. Gose, Melinda
  7. Bearden, Francis
  8. Sharp, Thomas
  9. Guntsorn, Rebecca
  10. Kettenring, Johann Jacob
  11. Family of Gose, George and Spangler, Anna Elizabeth
  12. Claunch, Christopher
  13. Unibarger, Simon
  14. Hackler, Troy
  15. Maples, Mary
  16. Hackler, Sarah Virginia
  17. Gose, George
  18. Thomas, John Laban
  19. Claunch, Margaret
  20. Clonch, William
  21. Berry, Rachel
  22. Haydon, Jarvis
  23. Armstrong, Nathaniel