This page contains an index of all the surnames in the database. Selecting a link will lead to a list of individuals in the database with this same surname.

Letter Surname Number of People
  <absent> 6
A Abraham 2
  Adams 4
  Adkins 2
  Anderson 1
  Anglin 1
  Argenbright 1
  Armstrong 19
  Avery 5
B Bagwell 1
  Baker 2
  Barfield 1
  Barker 1
  Barrett 3
  Barron 1
  Bearden 24
  Belcher 1
  Bell 1
  Benedict 1
  Bennet 1
  Berry 1
  Blackman 6
  Blankenship 3
  Blassingame 1
  Boling 1
  Boyer 1
  Brady 4
  Brewster 1
  Brinker 1
  Bromley 3
  Brooks 1
  Brown 3
  Burnett 1
  Bush 1
  Buster 1
  Butler 1
  Butterworth 1
C Calhoun 8
  Calloway 2
  Card 7
  Carson 1
  Carter 3
  Cates 1
  Catron - Kettering 1
  Cesling 1
  Cheney 2
  Cheshier 1
  Chiles 4
  Clark 3
  Claunch 113
  Claypool 1
  Clement 1
  Clonch 2
  Cochran 1
  Colvard 52
  Comstock 2
  Conner 2
  Coonrad 1
  Cooper 1
  Corn 1
  Counts 1
  Cox 1
  Crapse 3
  Crook 3
  Cummings 1
D Damron 1
  Davis 7
  Debord 6
  Dews 2
  Dick 2
  Dickson 9
  Dodd 62
  Donaldson 1
  Duncan 1
E Edwards 2
  Ehrle 2
  Erp 1
F Fargo 1
  Fenley 7
  Ferguson 1
G Gampfer 1
  Garlington 1
  Gastineau 1
  Gilbert 2
  Gillespie 2
  Gilliland 3
  Gilmore 2
  Gleaves 1
  Glover 1
  Gooding 1
  Goodlett 1
  Gose 62
  Graves 1
  Gray 1
  Greenslade 1
  Groseclose 1
  Guntsorn 1
  Guyer 1
H Hackler 14
  Hair 1
  Hamlin 3
  Hardister 2
  Hargis 1
  Harris 2
  Harrison 2
  Haulin 1
  Haydon 2
  Hays 1
  Heath 2
  Hechler 1
  Henry 1
  Henson 1
  Herndon 1
  Herrin 1
  Higby 1
  Higginbotham 1
  Hodge 1
  Hogan 1
  Hogue 1
  Holder 4
  Holland 2
  Holmes 1
  Holt 3
  Hooten 4
  Hopper 1
  Hosea 1
  Hoskins 2
  Huddle 2
  Hudson 4
  Huff 1
  Huffman 2
  Hughes 1
  Hullum 1
  Hunt 9
I Ingram 1
J Jackson 2
  Jennings 4
  Johnson 27
  Jones 4
K Karbough 1
  Keelin 1
  Keesling 1
  Kelly 1
  Kemp 6
  Kenwood 1
  Kerr 1
  Kettenring 5
  Kettering 2
  Kettering-Catron 1
  Key 1
  Kilby 6
  King 2
  Kinser 1
  Kirby 1
  Knifong 1
L Langston 2
  Larkin 1
  Lattimore 1
  Ledbetter 1
  Liest 1
  Lindley 8
  Lindsey 1
  Litz 2
  Long 3
  Lowe 1
  Lynn 1
M MacIver 2
  Maloney 3
  Manning 1
  Maples 33
  Marcum 2
  Mathews 1
  McClure 17
  McCormick 1
  McGuire 1
  McIver 1
  McKamy 1
  McKay 1
  McKenzie 2
  McKinney 1
  McLaughlin 1
  McMillan 1
  Megginson 4
  Melton 1
  Menefee 8
  Mercer 1
  Merriman 7
  Merryman 1
  Metzel 1
  Miler 1
  Miller 1
  Minor 2
  Montague 1
  Moon 1
  Moore 9
  Morris 2
  Morton 1
  Moss 2
  Murchison 6
  Mynor 1
N Neal 1
  Nichols 1
  Nolan 1
O O'Brien 3
P Palmer 2
  Partridge 1
  Peery 1
  Peter 1
  Pheifferin 1
  Phelps 1
  Pickle 1
  Pitts 1
  Pope 1
  Porter 4
  Purcell 1
R Ragan 2
  Randall 1
  Randolph 1
  Ransford 1
  Rape 1
  Ray 1
  Redmon 1
  Reeves 1
  Reynolds 1
  Richardson 4
  Richey 1
  Roberts 2
  Robertson 1
  Roland 2
  Rucker 1
S Salmon 1
  Samuel 1
  Sanshie 2
  Saybert 1
  Sharp 11
  Shaw 1
  Shelton 4
  Sibley 1
  Smith 2
  Snyder 1
  Spangler 5
  Spracher 1
  Stephens 4
  Stewart 55
  Stotts 2
  Suiten 1
  Sweeney 1
T Templeton 3
  Terrell 1
  Thomas 43
  Thompson 1
  Throckmorton 1
  Tice 1
  Triplett 1
U Underwood 1
  Unibarger 1
  Utt 5
V Vannoy 1
  Vickery 7
W Walker 1
  Waller 1
  Ward 1
  Webb 1
  West 1
  White 2
  Wilbourn 20
  Wilder 1
  Williams 3
  Wilson 2
  Winn 2
  Withers 1
  Wynne 1
Y Yancy 1