
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Moore. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Alma Jane April 9, 1831 October 4, 1890 Armstrong, William Thomas Erwin  
Catherine P.        
Catherine P. 1797 1855 Armstrong, Thomas  
Elizabeth B.     Claunch, Josiah  
Frank Summers     Colvard, Sumner Leigh  
Lafayette     Claunch, Cassandra Jane  
Lucy August 23, 1908   Stewart, Roy Emmet  
Sumner Amelia March 19, 1980     Moore, Frank Summers Colvard, Sumner Leigh
Trebecca Barrett March 8, 1983     Moore, Frank Summers Colvard, Sumner Leigh