
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Armstrong. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Emma       Armstrong, William Thomas Erwin Moore, Alma Jane
Frank V.       Armstrong, William Thomas Erwin Moore, Alma Jane
James Joseph       Armstrong, William Thomas Erwin Moore, Alma Jane
John Joseph November 14, 1836 April 10, 1912 Miler, Mary Elizabeth, Bagwell, Sarah Adeline Armstrong, Thomas Moore, Catherine P.
Josephine       Armstrong, William Thomas Erwin Moore, Alma Jane
Mary, Agnes 1868 January 5, 1951 Claunch, Charles William, Stotts, Judas Armstrong, Nathaniel Maloney, Martha
Mary Alice June 20, 1862     Armstrong, William Thomas Erwin Moore, Alma Jane
Mary Jane       Armstrong, William Thomas Erwin Moore, Alma Jane
Nathaniel 1837 1884 Maloney, Martha Armstrong, Thomas Moore, Catherine P.
Sarah Catherine November 25, 1867     Armstrong, William Thomas Erwin Moore, Alma Jane
Sarah Elizabeth       Armstrong, John Joseph Miler, Mary Elizabeth
Terzie       Armstrong, Nathaniel Maloney, Martha
Thomas     Moore, Catherine P.  
Thomas     Armstrong, William Thomas Erwin Moore, Alma Jane
Wilkes Booth 1869 May 31, 1937 Purcell, Phoebe Ellen Armstrong, John Joseph Bagwell, Sarah Adeline
William, A       Armstrong, Nathaniel Maloney, Martha
William Marion November 3, 1848 July 13, 1930   Armstrong, William Thomas Erwin Moore, Alma Jane
William Thomas Erwin November 22, 1822 May 27, 1872 Moore, Alma Jane Armstrong, Thomas Moore, Catherine P.