Albert Martin Claunch was born December 28th, 1881 on the Mulberry Farm, at Claunch, Arkansas. Was educated at what is now known as the D.T. Rogers ward school, or South School in Jonesboro, Arkansas, after moving to Jonesboro, Ark., with his parents in 1889. Attended Jonesboro Training School, a business College and graduated May 31st, 1900 in full Business Course. Engaged in Band Saw filing until injured by bursting of an emory wheel, then engaged in bookkeeping several years and railroading. Am now a clerk in the office of the Commercial Agent of the Cotton Belt Railroad at Jonesboro, Ark., this Feb. 22nd, 1930 and have been continually in the service of the road since March 17th, 1918.

Own my home and some rental property and some stock in local concerns and an undivided interest in the old homestead, Mulberry farm at Claunch, Ark. Joined Co. "F" First Infantry, Arkansas National Guard, at Jonesboro, Ark. June 30th, 1905, promoted to Corporal, Aug. 10th, 1905 and ordered out on Yellow Fever Quarantine duty at Bridge Junction, Ark., on the Mississippi River opposite Memphis, Tenn. Promoted to Captain and assigned to command of Co. "F" First Infantry, July 10th, 1908. Made a Staff Officer and transferred to Regimental Headquarters as Captain Quartermaster, March 25th, 1910. Called into Federal Service June 16th, 1916 by the proclamation of the President of the United States. Mustered into the regular army at Logan H. Roots Ark, Little Rock Ark., by Captain Albert B. Sloan, U.S. Army, and ordered to the Mexican Border in connection with the Punitive Expedition against Villa of General John J. Pershing, and stationed at Deming, New Mexico. Transferred from Supply Officer of the Regiment to commanding Officer of Co. "D", First Infantry, Arkansas on Nov. 8th, 1916 as per Regimental Special Order No. 8, account of an acute attack of Rheumatism.