31st Decr 1919
Crumpler N.C.
Ashe County

Mr. H. P. Colvard
Chattanooga Tenn
Dear Cousin

Yours of the 24th to hand on the 28th and I have been might unwell for several days and not much better yet but will write you a short letter. As for the Revolutionary war I have heard my father tell it many times that he had one uncle Neil Colvard that belonged to General Washingtons army and on a long march he got sick and give out and his command left him lying under an apple tree sick and that his people never heard of him from that time until this and we had an uncle named after him and I had a brother named Neil and my youngest son who lives with me is a single man 38 years old his name is Neil so you see the name has been kept up so that is all I can tell you about that war I suppose our grandfather was not old enough for a soldier. His name was William Colvard. He come to this country from Prince William County Virginia after the war and settled in Wilkes county about 15 miles from here and raised his family and him and his wife lived and died there. His wife before marriage was Rachel Berry. They raised eleven children, six sons and five daughters. My father was born in Wilkes co. 1792 and as to any of the others I don't know any of their ages as the family Records in our Grandfathers Bible was destroyed by some of his motherless grandchildering. I will give you all their names. Payton was my father. Yours was Jesse, Wade, William, Neil, Montfort, Elizabeth, Rachel, Sibba, Jennie, Ann. All are dead and gone. My parrence raised 8 childering, four sons and four daughters. All dead but two. I have a sister living in Va. that is in her 83rd year. I am in my 85th year. I raised 8 childering, 3 sons and 5 daughters, all living. My son Neil and my daughter Sallie and myself compose my family. My dear wife departed this life the 18th of January 1913. I am living on the same farm I settled on after I was married in 1866 one year after Genl Lee surrendered. I carry the scars of bullets, one in my neck, one through my left hand and one on my right foot but am sorter living yet. Well I have lately heard that me and you have a second cousin that is Govenor of Alabama. Some boddy I never saw. He was raised in Georgia his name is Thomas Kilby his Grandmother was our aunt Rachel Colvard. His father was Payton Kilby raised in Wilkes Co N. C. I wish you would write him and send me his letter if you can get one. well I will close for this time.

With much love to you and your family

(Signed) Thomas Farrow Colvard
Crumpler, N. C. RFD#2