Chattanooga, May 2nd, 1863
Miss Sallie Hunt
Calhoun, Ga.
Yours of April 28th has been rec'd. In answer I have to say there is scarcey any of the goods you mention in Chattanooga. There are some calicoes at from 2.25 to three dollars per yard, muslins still higher. I was in Atlanta last week and saw some nice English prints at $3.00 per yard & some muslins at four. I doubt if ou could get a dress in this place that you would be willing to buy. However if you will come up I will take pleasure in going a round to all the houses where there is any probability of finding the goods you want.
Your cousin Virginia is at her Fathers in the Wester Dist. in Lincolns lines. I have not seen here since the 15th April 1862, over a year & have not heard from her but about 5 times. The last time I heard from her was the 17th Feby last. Her health had improved a little but still in bad health. If you should conclude to come up and examine this market let me know what train you will come on & I will meet you at the train & have you provided for at the hotel. I am not keeping house now.
Yours respectfully
C. J. Cawden