My Dear Lizzie,
By some accident which I am so unable to account for your letter of Nov. 12th did not reach me untill the first of Feb. The day before I left Calhoun for the land of promises. Oh, how glad I was when I broke the seal and found it was from you. The pleasure that it gave me is far too great to be expressed with my feeble pen. I wish so much to see you. We have been forced to leave our dear old homes. I did hate so much to leave my home but could not live so near the army and perhaps be in the Yankees lines if I had remained at home (we do not whip the fight) and I could not bear the thought of living in their lines. (Oh I have such a perfect horror) Ma, Brother Gabe, Sallie & myself are living together. We are in the country seven miles from Dawson. Brother Gran lives in Dawson. I am not much pleased with Southwestern Ga., but try to be sattisfied. If we can have our health I think I can be content to remain untill we can get back home and I do hope that will not be a great while. I so much ?? cruel war will soon end and our brave soldiers be permitted to return home. Brother Jim is in the hands of the enemy. He was captured near Knoxville, Tenn. We have never heard a word from him. He may have froze to death in some northern dungeon. Brother Henry is in N. C. with General Barton. I received a letter from him a few days ago. He was in high spirits, but expected to be in a fight the next day. Ma and Sallie is very much dissattisfied with their new home. We are living in a log cabbin with one room and a porch all round. I think a very pretty place to live if we had a house. Sallie says she don't think she can possible stand it but I tell her refugees must not be hard to please. We have seen some familys living out in tents. We have a great many of our acquaintences from Gordon near us but all seem dissattisfied. The people do not have much love for the refugees. I was very sorry to hear of the deaths of your sister and babe but we must subbit to the will of God. I have four. My ?? is a boy ?? years old named George William ??, Laurah Ann, Jim, and Sallie Ida...
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