August 7th, 1856

G. M & D. G. H.
(Gabriel Moore & David Granville Hunt)

Dear Brothers,

I recived both of your letters some time since and recived Gabe's yesterday and will procede to answer it. You wanted to know what Aunt Mary did with the balance of her property. She wild it to Aunt Sarah, with the exception of a hundred you go, and you may thank your God for that if you think it worth thanking for. For Sir, it is the last you or any of our kin can keep us out of it. I recived the amount of money that you sent. I shal start back to College on the 18th of this month. Sir, I think that I did write to you some too months a go and am very confident that you would have no writen this letter if Ma had not got you to write for her. I wrote to Liz and Dennis about the same time and have not heard a word from either of them since. When you write again you will please let me know whither they are living in the same place or not. You will please answer this soon and excuse all mistakes and bad writing for I want to get maild to day. Give my love to all. I remain your Bro.

J. H.
(James Johnson Hunt)

D. G.

Dear Bro.

I received your letter some time since and would have answered it before now but I was waiting to see Uncle James before I wrote. I saw him the other day and I am no better pleased with him that the ballance. I have not seen Uncle David yet nor do I not entend to go five miles to see him. Aunt Ruth & Lucy Ann are more like Miss Princess than any body that you ever saw, and to sum up the whole of them I think they are a set of broke down cod fish aristocracy. I told Grand Ma what you said and she said that she had forgotten all a bout it and she did not say any thing more. You can tel Sallie that she gave me her likeness for her. Please write soon. Nothing more but remains your Bro.


P. S. I had for goten to write the good news. Grand Ma is not going to let Aunt Sarah and Lucy Ann stay with her any longer. Aunt Sarah is going to the C. House to live. I do not know where Aunt Lucy will go.