Colvard, William III

Birth Name Colvard, William III
Gender male
Age at Death 65 years, 11 months, 16 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth November 1, 1762 Goochland County, Virginia, United States Virginia  
Death October 17, 1828 Wilbar, Wilkes County, North Carolina, United States North Carolina  
Burial 1828 Wilbar, Wilkes County, North Carolina, United States Reddies River Baptist Church Cemetery  

Relation to the center person (Claunch, William Nathan) : third great grandfather


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Colvard, William
Mother Holland, Mercy
         Colvard, William III November 1, 1762 October 17, 1828


    Family of Colvard, William III and Holland, Mercy
Married Wife Holland, Mercy ( * + ... )
    Family of Colvard, William III and Berry, Rachel
Married Wife Berry, Rachel ( * September 9, 1762 + 1845 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage June 10, 1787 Wilkes County, North Carolina, United States    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Colvard, Jennie
Colvard, Elizabeth1790
Colvard, Payton1792
Colvard, Rachel1792
Colvard, Neil1795
Colvard, Jesse A.October 7, 1800January 23, 1876
Dickson, Sibila ColvardMarch 21, 1803February 20, 1873
Colvard, Wade HamptonJuly 9, 1805June 29, 1880
Colvard, Jane1807
Colvard, William IV18081888
Colvard, Mumford Montfort1809
Colvard, Anna1811


Biographical Sketch:

William Colvard III, son of William Colvard and Mercy Holland, married Rachel Berry on June 10, 1787 in Wilkes county, North Carolina. To this union, eleven children were born: Elizabeth 'Betsy' 1790; Payton 1792; Rachael 1794; Neil 1795; William IV 1798; Jesse 1800; Sibila 'Sibby', 1803; Wade Hampton 1805; Jane 'Jennie' 1807; Montfort 1809 and Anna 1811. All the children were born in Wilkes county, North Carolina.

His paternal grandparents were William Benjamin Colvard and his wife Temperance Butterworth. His maternal grandparents were Michael Holland and his wife Judith Merryman. William Colvard III removed from Virginia to Reddies River, Wilkes County North Carolina about 1787. His will was dated Oct 17, 1824 and probated in November 1824. He bequeathed to Rachael his plantation of 282 1/2 acres, his grist mill, still, and all the household furniture and plantation tools. To his sons Payton, Neil, William and Jesse, he bequeathed one lot in the northwest corner of the town of Jefferson, Ashe county, North Carolina, and the saw mill on Reddies River and mill place. To his son Wade, he bequeathed the 'Tyree Old Field Plantation' and one horse and saddle. He also stated that he wanted his son William to receive one hundred dollars more than all the rest of the children. To his daughters Betsey, Sibby Dickson, Rachael, Jennie and Anna and to his son Montfort, he willed them to have as much or an equal part with the oldest sons, the balance to be equally divided among the children. The executors of his will were his sons Neil and William.

His daughter Elizabeth married Thornton Kilby on Nov. 27, 1829 in Wilkes county. His daughter Rachael married James Warren Kirby. His daughter Siblia 'Sibby' married John N. Dickson about 1822 in Ashe county. His daughter Jane 'Jennie' married Owen Merriman on Nov. 1, 1834 in Wilkes county, and Anna did not marry.


Last Will and Testament

"In the name of God Amen: I, William Colvard, of the county of Wilkes and State of North Carolina: Being weak in body, but perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God, calling unto mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all. I give and recommend my lands into the hands of the Almighty God that gave it, and my body I recommend to the earth, to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of Executors, nothing debting. But at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the powers of Almighty God, and as touching such worldly estate; wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life with - I demise and dispose of in the same, in the following manner and form ---

"First, I leave and bequest to my dear beloved wife, Rachel Colvard, as follows, (Viz), My home plantation where I now live, containing 262 1/2 acres of land. Secondly and all the household furniture and plantation tools. Thirdly, four Negroes (viz) Limons, Jim, Lewis and Dalpha. Fouthly, use of the grice mill as long as she lives, and Fifthly, the still that I now own, together with Koons Plantation, all of the aforesaid property to be disposed as she pleases among the children.

"I will and bequest unto my four oldest sons, that is Peyton Colvard, Neil Colvard, William Colvard and Jesse Colvard, one lot in the town of Jefferson in Ashe County, North Carolina, being the northwest corner lot, which I give to them and rated to them at one thousand dollars. Also the saw mill on Reddies River and mill place.

"I will and bequest to my son Wade Colvard, the Tyree Old Field Plantation, also one horse and saddle. I want my aforesaid son William, to have one hundred dollars more than any of the rest of the children.

"I will and bequest to my daughters, Betsy Colvard, Sibby Dichson, Rachel Colvard, Jennie and Anna Colvard, and also my son Montfort Colvard, all to have as much or an equal part with the oldest sons, the balance if any, to be equally divided among the children. I desire my two sons Neal Colvard and William Colvard to be my executors.

"Given under my hand and seal this seventeenth day of October in the year of our Lord 1824."

Wm. Colvard

James Fletcher
John Dancy
George Taylor

Source Unknown

Family Map

Family Map


  1. Colvard, William
    1. Holland, Mercy
      1. Colvard, William III
        1. Holland, Mercy
        2. Berry, Rachel
          1. Colvard, Jesse A.
          2. Colvard, Elizabeth
          3. Colvard, Payton
          4. Colvard, Rachel
          5. Colvard, Neil
          6. Colvard, William IV
          7. Dickson, Sibila Colvard
          8. Colvard, Wade Hampton
          9. Colvard, Jane
          10. Colvard, Mumford Montfort
          11. Colvard, Anna
          12. Colvard, Jennie
