Bearden, John William Sr.

Birth Name Bearden, John William Sr.
Gender male
Age at Death 80 years


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1717 Isle of Wight County, Virginia, United States Virginia  
Death 1797 South Carolina, United States    
Burial 1797 Spartanburg County, South Carolina, United States Friendship Baptist Church Cemetery  

Relation to the center person (Claunch, William Nathan) : sixth great grandfather


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Bearden, Francis1691December 1741
Mother Blassingame, Sarah Jane1695
         Bearden, John William Sr. 1717 1797


    Family of Bearden, John William Sr. and Winn, Lettice Katy
Married Wife Winn, Lettice Katy ( * 1723 + October 10, 1797 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1736      
Name Birth Date Death Date
Bearden, Richard Daniel Sr.
Bearden, John William JrMarch 11, 1744May 1836
Bearden, MourningJune 15, 1763October 2, 1842

Family Map

Family Map


  1. Bearden, Francis
    1. Blassingame, Sarah Jane
      1. Bearden, John William Sr.
        1. Winn, Lettice Katy
          1. Bearden, John William Jr
          2. Bearden, Richard Daniel Sr.
          3. Bearden, Mourning
