Avery, Samuell

Birth Name Avery, Samuell
Gender male
Age at Death 58 years, 8 months, 18 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth August 14, 1664 New London, New London County, Connecticut, USA Connecticut  
Death May 1, 1723      
Burial 1723 Groton, New London County, Connecticut, USA Avery-Morgan Burial Ground  

Relation to the center person (Claunch, William Nathan) : ninth great grandfather


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Avery, Thomas
Mother Minor, Hannah
         Avery, Samuell August 14, 1664 May 1, 1723


    Family of Avery, Samuell and Ransford, Elizabeth
Married Wife Ransford, Elizabeth ( * + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Avery, Elizabeth



Gravestone Inscription

In ye 59 year of his age. Grotons first townsman & Moderator, Dec 1, 1705
Gravesite Details His first name is spelled Samuell on his stone. Son of James Avery & Joanna Greenslade, he married Susannah Palmes of Swanzey Mass Oct 25, 1686.

Family Map

Family Map


  1. Avery, Thomas
    1. Minor, Hannah
      1. Avery, Samuell
        1. Ransford, Elizabeth
          1. Avery, Elizabeth
